التعامل مع الاحتراق الوظيفي


.OnDemand Burnout Management Course Accredited with 1 CME hours

2 فيديوهات
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تحصل على شهادة إكمال الدورة
معتمدة بساعة تعليم طبي مستمر (1CME)
مجانا لمشتركي باقة جرعة صحة بريميوم
مدرب الدورة


نظرة عامة

Healthcare professionals dedicate their lives to caring for others, often under high-pressure conditions, long hours, and emotionally demanding situations. While their work is essential and deeply rewarding, it also carries a significant risk of burnout—a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress.

This course is designed to help healthcare workers, administrators, and leaders recognize the signs of burnout, understand its causes, and develop strategies to prevent and manage it. Through a combination of evidence-based research, real-life case studies, and practical tools, participants will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to protect their well-being while continuing to provide high-quality patient care.

By the end of this course, you will:
✅ Identify the key signs and symptoms of burnout
✅ Understand the contributing factors specific to healthcare settings
✅ Learn effective coping strategies and resilience-building techniques
✅ Explore institutional and systemic approaches to reducing burnout

Speaker: Dr.Badr Alassiri, Consultant Psychiatry 

Target Audince: All healthcare Specialties 

Credeits offered:

Accredited with 1 CME hours (adding CME hours within 24 hours)


no CME hours will be issued if SCFHS number is not entered in the user profile (please make sure to write a correct SCFHS registration number)

Certificate of Completion is autogenerated once you finished from the course. Please make sure to write your personal information correctly as it will appeared on your certificate. Editing the certificate post issuing is not available.

Contact Information:


Follow us on our social media pages 

Telegram: https://t.me/healthdose_academy

X: @healthdose_sa


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محتويات الدورة
The Lecture
Burnout in Healthcare Workers
Post Course Assessment
Post Course Assessment
تقييمات ومراجعات المشتركين
منذ 8 ساعات

جاسم حسين بن مبارك الجاسم

شكرا لسعيكم المميز والممتاز والجميل والرائع والمذهل و المدهش
منذ شهر

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